Cancellation Policy
- Confirmed booking if cancelled within 30 days from the date of Check-in, then 100% Retention of the entire plan amount shall be charged.
- Confirmed booking if cancelled before 30 days from the date of check-in, then 50% retention of the entire plan amount shall be charged.
- No show will attract 100% retention of the entire amount as per plan & no refund will be entertained.
- Checking out of Antara Goa due to any reason without utilizing the total number of booked nights shall attract 100% retention of the entire amount as per plan & no refund will be entertained.
- Cancellation policy for Peak dates from 22nd December till 2nd January and Long weekends.
- Confirmed booking if cancelled, then booking is non refundable, non cancellable and non amendable.
- No show will attract 100% retention of the entire amount as per plan & no refund will be entertained.
- Checking out of Antara Goa due to any reason without utilizing the total number of booked nights shall attract 100% retention of the entire amount as per plan & no refund will be entertained.
- Please keep the surroundings clean. Use the dustbins and disposal bag for waste.
- Our housekeeping staff will perform its duties of cleaning your room and bathroom and making your bed once during the day. Please appreciate, that in our continuing endeavour to conserve water, your bed linen will be changed every 4th day.
- Please do not keep soiled towels on bed. Your bath and hand towels are cleaned using a lot of water and in our strive to save water, we will change your bath linen also every 4th day. Washing of clothes during your stay, in the bathrooms or elsewhere in the property is strictly prohibited. However you can use our laundry service. You may contact the House Keeping for the same.
- Save Water. Every drop counts.
- To further save limited energy, we kindly request you to switch off your room a/c, lights and other electrical and electronic equipments when not in use. Please ensure that all lights and equipment along with a/c is switched off while you are away. SAVE ELECTRICITY – It will brighten our lives longer.
- Swimming in the pool and sea and venturing into the sea or indulging in any watersports activity shall be at the guest’s own risk and responsibility as Antara Goa has no swimming pool attendant and does not provide any lifeguard for beach visits. Antara Goa shall not be responsible for any accidents/mishaps in the pool or in the sea or on any beach. Guests are advised not be on the beach when it is dark.
- You are requested to use proper swimwear for entering into the pool and follow the pool rules strictly. We do not have any pool attendant on duty and therefore you will be using the swimming pool facility at your own risk. Children shall be accompanied by adults in the swimming pool. Antara Goa promoters/management reserve the right of admission to the swimming pool and the guests shall adhere strictly to the pool rules.
- Please do not use hand towels or bath towels as bathroom mats. The hand/bath towels if soiled with stains or otherwise, the same shall be charged @ Rs. 200/- per hand towel and Rs. 400/- per bath towel. If any bed linen is soiled/stained or any item in the room/bathroom is damaged/broken/lost, the same shall be charged to you.
- Beach towels usage is chargeable @ Rs. 100/- per towel. Any towel (s) misplaced/ soiled/lost shall be charged @ Rs. 500/- per towel. Usage of bath towels for swimming pool/ beach is strictly prohibited. Please ask the housekeeping for swimming/beach towels.
- Antara Goa management is dependent on Govt. of Goa for supply of electricity and water. However the management has provided minimum backup facility for minimum lighting requirements and a private water tanker supply for minimum toilet/bathing water requirements. Guests are requested to conserve electricity and water. Antara Goa shall not be responsible for any breakdown of electricity/water supply of Govt. Of Goa.
- In case of power failure, the generator backup shall take minimum 10 minutes.
- You are requested to handover you room keys at our reception while you are away from the property. Any loss of key will be charged @ Rs. 1500/-.
- Tea/Coffee kits shall be replenished once a day. For Tea/Coffee maker operation assistance, please contact reception. Do not pour tea bag, creamer or sugar in the Tea/Coffee maker. Only boil water.
- Guests are advised not to leave their valuables/cash/any document (s) in the room or any areas of the premises of Antara Goa. Antara Goa management shall not be responsible for any such loss/theft of any valuables/cash or any document(s).
- Early check –in / late check –out will be at an extra cost and subject to room availability. Please check the cost at the time of your booking. Check –in time: 14:00 hrs and Check –out time: 11:00 hrs.
- The promoters/management of Antara Goa observes within its control maximum standards of hygiene in housekeeping and Food & Beverage services. The promoters/ management however cannot be held responsible for consequences as a result of factors beyond the management’s/ promoter’s control. No outside food and beverages are allowed inside the premises of Antara Goa. Antara Goa does not recommend/promote any food & beverage services outside Antara Goa. However in case of consumption of eatables and beverages outside Antara Goa, please observe caution to patronise only health department Govt. Of Goa approved outlets and bars. Antara Goa promoters/management shall not be responsible for any food and beverage poisoning.
- Milk/Curd as standalone item(s) is not available on sale. However whenever the same is provided on guest’s request for the sake of convenience to a pregnant mother/a child/senior citizen/any guest, it can be provided on cost basis without profit or complimentary, as the case may be, but with no accountability/liability of Antara Goa management, since such items due to weather conditions could be prone to ‘curdling process’
- Antara Goa provides minimum requirement of security within the limited boundaries of the operational premises. Antara Goa shall not be responsible for any incident beyond such control of the management.
- In case of any terrorist/criminal outside attacks, the Govt. Of Goa Police/Anti Crime/Anti Terrorist squads provide protection to the Goa state. In case of any eventuality, Antara Goa promoters/management will not be held liable/accountable/responsible for any damage/loss of life/property of any person, guest or visitor.
- Smoking in public areas/rooms is strictly prohibited under law. Smoking is allowed only in designated open area within the premises.
- In the very interest of the security, only in house registered guests will be allowed within the premises of the property. In case the in house guests wish to invite during their stay any of their friend’s relatives, etc. to Antara Goa, you are requested to contact our reception and take a prior approval from the manager. However non registered guests will not be allowed in any of the rooms.
- You are requested not to cause any damage to any item or property of Antara Goa. In case of any damage to any item or the property by a registered guest or any of their visiting friend or relative, such registered guest will be responsible and liable to pay the damages to Antara Goa. We further reserve the right to claim and charge for any damage or breakage of any item or property of Antara Goa not reported but found after guest’s departure.
- The taxi/motorbike/scooty/any two wheeler service is not the responsibility of Antara Goa. It is an arrangement between the guest and taxi/motorbike/scooty/any two wheeler service providers. The guests are free to use or not to use these services. Antara Goa shall not be responsible for any accident /mishap/ injury caused to any guest or visitor while using taxi/motorbike/scooty/any two wheeler service arranged by Antara Goa. Any person, guest or visitor using such facilities shall be doing so at his/her own responsibility.
- Antara Goa management has purchased a public liability non industrial risk policy, copy of which is available for inspection with the manager. Public liability of the promoters/management of Antara Goa shall be only restricted to as provided in the said insurance policy only.
- We humbly advise all our guests to have a comprehensive travel insurance policy issued for themselves. Antara Goa cannot be held responsible for any loss of life or property of any guests or visitor whilst on the property and for any accident or injury that may be incurred by any person, guest or visitor whilst on the property. You are requested to take care of your belongings yourself. Antara Goa cannot be held responsible for loss of any of your personal belongings or property. Beach visits will also be at guest’s own risk and responsibility.
- At the time of your booking, you are kindly requested to provide us with all the names, ages and permanent residential addresses of yourself and accompanying guests. As per law, we are required to collect personal identification photo id proofs. Therefore you are requested to carry the same in original along with you.
- For Indian nationals it is required that each guest should carry his/ her photo id proof such as Passport, Driving License, Aadhar card or Pan Card.
- For non Indian nationals it is required that each guest should carry valid passport and valid Indian Visa.
- We will be requiring under law to collect and keep a photocopy of the documents mentioned above of respective guests, and therefore, you are requested to hand over your original document as above at the time of check in so that we can take a copy the same.
- Please ensure that all your payments for your stay and other services during your stay due to Antara Goa should be cleared before check out. Otherwise, we reserve the right of confiscating your baggage and further selling/auctioning the same to recover our dues.
- If you wish to carry with you any of the items placed in your room or in the property, the pricelist is with our manager which you can kindly check and pay for that particular item which you wish to carry along.
- You are requested not to disturb the fellow guests with high volume of your TV sets or in any other manner.
- The Govt. of Goa has laid down strict laws and rules of noise pollution beyond 10 pm. We wish to inform you to abide by such laws and rules and abstain from breaking any such law or rule.
- Any kinds of arms or ammunition are strictly prohibited within the premises of Antara Goa.
- Any kind of illegal or immoral activity is strictly prohibited within the premises Antara Goa.
- Any activity relating to illegal drugs and drug trafficking is strictly prohibited within the premises.
- The right of admission to Antara Goa is reserved.
- Sorry!!! Antara Goa is not suitable for pets.
- Applicable Taxes will be charged extra.
- All payments to be made in INR (Indian National Rupee)